Our Solutions
Blastech Mobile has the most advanced plate processing operation currently available in North America.
Coupled with our Total Plate Processing facility and our Premium Plate business unit we are able to offer customer procured, hot rolled carbon steel plates directly through our partner SSAB who produce the high quality hot rolled carbon steel plate at their mill on the same site. We also process customers supplied steel plates.
We evolve
The entire facility is ISO 9001 certified and all tasks are carried out with safety and quality as our highest priority.
From our Mobile Alabama site, we are able to offer the following services:
- Steel plate blast and primed with globally recognized inorganic weldable primers. (See REDI-PLATE for details)
- Steel plates primed on one side with conventional high film primers typically organic and Inorganic zinc primer at thickness up to 4 mils and other high build technologies up to 6 mils dry film thickness.
- Steel plates which are blasted and then preserved with our unique clear transparent oil free chemical treatment which will preserve the condition of the surface in interior environments. (See CPP treatment for details)
Following the coating we are able to cut, burn, roll and bevel the plates to our customer’s drawings and specifications at our adjoining Total Plate processing shop. The processed material can be transported by truck or rail directly to the customer’s destination for immediate use.
As coating professionals Blastech developed the REDI-PLATE™ Process to ensure that every facet of the plate coating process was carried out to the highest global standards.
Plates incoming to the facility are checked for conformity to bills of lading, on approval each plate is entered into the custom built Blastlogix data management system where they permanently reside.
As plates are loaded onto the conveyor they are examined for surface contaminants and if present removed to meet SSPC SP 10 NACE 2 Surface Preparation Specification.
The plate enters an enclosure where both top and bottom surfaces are simultaneously impinged with a mixture of steel grit and shot to both remove the mill scale and impart a dense sharp profile that will support the adhesion of the coatings that are required to protect the steel from corrosion.
The plates are then heated to ensure drying times.
After blast cleaning the plate are examined for quality and major surface defects and to ensure steel is free from dust. Following which they are checked for the important blast profile. This data is recorded in the Blastlogix system.
Next stage is to apply the special inorganic coating uniquely formulated to be safely welded without noxious fumes and good weld quality.
The special application equipment is custom built to Blastech’s specifications. The reciprocating spray guns are calibrated to ensure the industry agreed standard dry film thickness of 0.6 – 0.8 mils (15 – 18 microns) is evenly applied over the entire surface. Dry Film Thickness is verified by attaching smooth panels to both sides of the plate on entry to the coating module then measured after drying. The panel are retained and measurements are recorded in the Blastlogix data base. We retain independent reports for each and every plate we process in our data base for both commercial and technical issues that may arise in the future.

After coating the information entered into Blastlogix at the start of the process, the plate is re-identified using a state-of-the-art marker with all traceability components the plates are re marked with the original markings plus any other information required by our clients before entering a drying tunnel to ensure that no damage occurs when lifting by magnets into positions for intermediate storage prior to order assembly and loading.
We have recently extended our REDI-PLATE™ process to comply with industry demands for the application of high build coatings to the top (exterior) surfaces of the plates.
After the abrasive cleaning to specification and before entering the coating module we create a nominal 4” bare area around the plate to facilitate later processing such as burning and welding.
In the coating module we apply the specified coating to the thickness required. Dry Film Thicknesses are verified and recorded.in our Blastlogix plate management system.
The plates are carefully stored with airspaces to allow for curing to ensure that shipping damage is minimized.
After curing the plates are shipped by truck or rail.
Benefits of REDI-PLATE™
- Process is carried out in custom built controlled industrial environment.
- Plate surface is inspected providing major defect free steel is delivered to job site.
- Provides specified profile for application of weldable primer and subsequent costs, saving cost of post-fabrication blasting.
- Improved coating system performance.
- Reduces corrosion rate prior to finishing.
- Saves the cost of weld splatter removal.
- Minimizes cost of surface preparation after fabrication.
- Potential for reduction of incoming inspection costs.
- After suitable preparation virtually type of protective coating can be directly applied.
Clear Plate Preservative (CPP)
The process follows the identical method used for REDI-PLATE™ until the plates reach the coating stage and at that time after inspection the freshly blasted steel is treated with a special oil free preservative in order to retain the surface preparation.
After treatment the plates are remarked using the Blastlogic data.
The plates are then conveyed to the unloading position via a heated tunnel.
Benefits of CPP
- The process is carried out in custom built controlled industrial environment.
- The plate surface is inspected to ensure no major steel defects are shipped.
- The processed plate can be processed as clean steel including high speed welding, laser cutting etc.
- As the processed plates are only suitable for brief periods of exterior weather exposure transportation requires that the loads are fully protected. However, they may be stored indoors for up to year.
- The plates may be coated after process with a large variety of industrial coatings including powders however confirming tests should be carried out to verify compatibility.